symplr engage has many purposes for our customers. We not only want to engage with them from a business prospective, but also provide them the opportunity to further their education in their respective fields with certified educational sessions, have quality time with the people who build the products they use daily, but also to interact with users of our product in their area to form a network of symplr users. It is a chance for us to show them what we are working on in the product to make their jobs simpler and making the healthcare space more compliant and safe for patients. While it seems like a lot of work, there is some play at symplr engage, with hosted happy hours with activities to help relax after a long day! so lots of work and some play. Our demographic is predominantly women using our software in a healthcare setting. The logo should be Simple. Modern. FRIENDLY. + fun/fulfilling/engaging/inspiring. We want our audience to be excited to come to this conference.