Altripasti est une association qui confectionne du pesto réalisé à partir de légumes invendus récupérés. A travers leur démarche, ils offrent une solution anti-gaspi et des emplois pour des personnes dans le besoin.
Brief :
In December, we are launching a top of the line production chain in order to sell different kind of pesto using carrot tops, lettuce or even parsley and italian pickles made from unsold vegetables. The project aims to create jobs for weakned and unstable population, mostly women. As a result we need a new logo to help us to promote : the originality, the quality , the social and environmental commitment and the italian taste of our products.
Here is a list of key words :
"anti food waste", "Zero-waste", "environment", "circular economy", "high quality food", "Italian tradition”, "natural", "simple", “illustration", "sophisticated".