Sign appears on a main road which will be seen by thousands of passing motorists each day. Our organisation has been operating for 8 years, though we now have excellent frontage and exposure to the general public. We want to capture attention and get some interest with a sign that is brightly coloured, that can lead into a marketing campaign, perhaps. Our company is all about fun training, making learning interactive and exciting!
The sign dimensions are: 1.5m high x 3m wide. (see pic)
Some text we thought for the ad could include caption: "We teach you WANT you want to know!" or "Make a difference with your life" or "make a difference..." or "Life, Learn, Love" We want some idea's for this, we have plenty of our own, but I'd like to put this as a challenge for designers. With and without caption is fine.
Text for the sign must include: "Townsville Campus" and include our logo, which should be very prominent.