This is for Germany's first sustainable online-travelagency: The profits will be spent for CO² compensation, disaster relief and development projects.
The service is intented to attract Digital Natives, which don't expect a lot of personal support, but just all the information and booking capabilities, so please avoid esoteric or kitschy design, yet try to underline the sustainability aspect.
Since I will mainly rely on SoMe to attact customers, I need a Logo that fits well into the round logo frames of Facebook & Twitter.
Please also notice that "reisen" can be both a noun and a verb in german (depending on the first letter), and I'd later might want to use the double meaning of the company name. So it would be good if reisen is put in either all caps or all small letters. For "Gutbürger" you can use either "GutBürger", "Gutbürger", "gutBürger", "GUTBÜRGER" or "gutbürger". You could even place "gut" and "bürger" in different lines.