In today's world, young people tend to be looked down upon because of their age, inexperience, lack of formal education, etc. God never put age restrictions, nor does He just call those who are just qualified, or have this much experience. God calls people of all ages, demographics, and creeds to do His will. In this book, Francisco Pereira will challenge young people through the lives of young Biblical characters to see that God has always been in the business of calling them to do great things, and to be leaders in the church and in the world. Francisco uses three thought-provoking questions (What were they thinking?-What did they do?- What was the outcome?) to engage and help the reader relate to the lives of these Biblical characters. Time has changed, but God hasn't changed, He still is in the business of qualifying all those who are called!
Young men and women... What are you thinking? What are you gonna do with those thoughts? And what's gonna be your outcome?