Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business

by mikenielsenmd
  • 1% (1) of active designers received comments
  • 15% rated or declined designs
  • 5 contests (0 refunds)
  • Fast-tracked
    Following the open round, the client will select a winning design. There is no refinement stage.
  • Guaranteed
    The client has guaranteed to award the prize.
  • Watchers (52)
This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer Bea1990 !

Winning entry


#196 by ElVano.id✔
Deleted by 99designs
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by ElVano.id✔
#194 by Madink Studio
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Madink Studio
#193 by Captainzz
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Captainzz
#190 by DS99
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by DS99
#189 by DS99
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by DS99
#188 by DS99
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by DS99
#179 by ElVano.id✔
Deleted by 99designs
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by ElVano.id✔
#172 by bintanium
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by bintanium
#171 by X O X O
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by X O X O
#165 by Naufal44
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Naufal44
#163 by Captainzz
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Captainzz
#155 by Captainzz
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Captainzz
#151 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#150 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#149 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#148 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#147 by 7skydesignstudio
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by 7skydesignstudio
#146 by 7skydesignstudio
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by 7skydesignstudio
#139 by godsglorydesign
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by godsglorydesign
#130 by The Seño
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by The Seño
#129 by Alra_Studio
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Alra_Studio
#128 by rulasic
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by rulasic
#126 by rulasic
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by rulasic
#125 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#121 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#120 by sabarsubur
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by sabarsubur
#117 by Duuqi_
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Duuqi_
#116 by Duuqi_
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Duuqi_
#115 by Duuqi_
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Duuqi_
#114 by Duuqi_
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Duuqi_
#113 by Duuqi_
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Duuqi_
#108 by SeleCreative
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by SeleCreative
#105 by Digital Genius Nic
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by Digital Genius Nic
#103 by godsglorydesign
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by godsglorydesign
#101 by godsglorydesign
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by godsglorydesign
#100 by godsglorydesign
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Looking for a powerful single word logo for financial/marketing business Design by godsglorydesign